Jesus Said to Nicodemus About What It Takes to Be Born Again
Use this children's Sunday School lesson about Jesus and Nicodemus to teach kids what information technology means to be born again.
Needed: Bibles, a airship for each student, blankets or sheets or beach towels, various objects
Intro Game: Upwards and Downward
Give the students blankets, sheets, or beach towels to agree between them. You lot can break the students into teams or have them complete the following challenges together.
one. Bounciness an object 5, x, and 20 times without dropping it.
two. See how high they can bounciness an object.
iii. Bounce more than than one object for 30 seconds without dropping any of them.
4. Bounce an object while spinning their blanket, canvass, or towel. (Everyone in the circle moves 1 footstep between bounces.)
5. Bounce and object while hopping. (Anybody takes one hop between bounces.)
Yous can add together more than complicated challenges if your grouping is doing well. As you stop, point out that all the object were flying through the air, but you never saw the air.
Ask students, What are the differences between a newborn baby and someone your age?
It's like shooting fish in a barrel to run across the differences between newborn babies and those who are older. Only there are other things you tin can't tell about people only past looking at them.
When you await at someone, how can you tell whether he or she is skillful or bad? (Yous can't.)
In the same way, yous can't really tell if a person is a Christian by looking at his or her appearance. In the Bible, there was a man named Nicodemus who didn't understand one of Jesus' stories because he was thinking about a person's outside appearance only.
(Read John 3:1-2.)
"Now at that place was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a fellow member of the Jewish ruling quango. He came to Jesus at nighttime and said, 'Rabbi, we know that You are a instructor who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs You are doing if God were not with Him.'"
What does it say Nicodemus was? (A Pharisee.)
That means he was a leader for the church and for his country.
When did Nicodemus become see Jesus (At night.)
Why did he go see Jesus at dark instead of during the day?
He wanted to go at night, when it would be dark out, so that no one would see him talking to Jesus. He wanted it to be secret so that the other Pharisees wouldn't brand fun of him for believing in Jesus.
(Read John 3:3-4.)
"Jesus replied, 'Very truly I tell you, no one tin can encounter the kingdom of God unless they are born again.'
"'How tin someone be built-in when they are old?' Nicodemus asked. 'Surely they cannot enter a 2d time into their female parent's womb to be born!'"
What did Nicodemus recall Jesus meant when he talked most a man being "born again"? (Nicodemus thought Jesus meant somebody's body being born again, like they had to be a footling baby once more.)
(Read John 3:v-7.)
"Jesus answered, 'Very truly I tell you, no i tin can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of h2o and the Spirit. Flesh gives nascence to mankind, only the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, "Yous must exist built-in again.'"
Did Jesus mean that our bodies had to be born once more, or was He talking well-nigh something else?
Jesus was talking about the inside of a person. Jesus meant that our souls are "born once more" when nosotros believe in Jesus. That's because when you believe in Jesus, your life changes. You cease doing bad things and start doing skillful things. You don't live how you want to live anymore. Yous live how God wants you to alive. It'south like you lot're starting all over in life. You've got a fresh start. It's like y'all're beingness born again.
(Read John 3:8.)
"The current of air blows wherever it pleases. Y'all hear its sound, merely y'all cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with anybody born of the Spirit."
When nosotros believe in Jesus and get Christians, the Holy Spirit comes to alive within of us. Tin can any of y'all see God or the Holy Spirit? (No.)
Then how do you lot know He's in that location?
(Give each pupil a airship and tell them to accident it up.)
Look in your balloon. Can yous see the air in there? (No.)
You can't see the air. The air is articulate. Y'all can only run into that the balloon got filled up. That's the same way it is with God and the Holy Spirit. Nosotros can't see them, but we know they're in that location because we run into what they do. We can see the world God created. And we know the Holy Spirit is living inside us considering nosotros can feel Him telling us what the right things to exercise are.
Game: Born Over again Relay
Remind students that Nicodemus wondered how a man could be born when he was onetime. Say, He didn't understand that Jesus didn't mean our bodies. He meant that He wants to give our spirits a fresh start. But when we first believe in Jesus, nosotros are kind of like babies. We don't know very much near God or Jesus or how we're supposed to live. Then, we learn, and we abound up to exist the mature people God wants us to be.
So, to act that out, we're going to play a game in which your team goes from an erstwhile homo like Nicodemus to a babe that was simply built-in to a mature person.
One by one, the squad members perform the following actions. Only in one case all of the team members have complete each leg can the squad move on to the next leg. The showtime team to have all of their members complete all 3 legs wins.
Leg 1. All of the squad members walk slowly like an old man.
Leg 2. All of the squad members crawl like a babe.
Leg iii. All of the squad members run like a mature person.
Game: Go to Heaven!
Kids form a circumvolve around a blanket or parachute, property it between them. The leader places various objects on the blanket or parachute. Students count to 3 and and so shout, "Go to Sky!" as they try to fling the object into the sky every bit high equally possible.
Once they've done this a few times, ask if the things they bounced up ever got to Sky. Say, No matter how high we go something to go, we tin can't make it go to Heaven. The simply way to go to Heaven is past believing in Jesus and being born again and so that yous make a fresh start with God to end doing bad things and showtime doing good things and let the Holy Spirit come alive inside of you lot.
Closing Prayer
Jesus, we pray that You lot'll requite all of a fresh outset. Send Your Holy Spirit into our hearts and assist the states to become the mature people You want us to be. Amen.
You can likewise detect this lesson for Kindle or in print in my book, Jesus Starts His Work.

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